In the commercial arena we have worked for several leagues clubs, including a substantial amount for the N.S.W. Leagues Club & recently West Belconenen Leagues in the A.C.T.
This photo is of the bar areas in a Canberra Leagues club.
The main features being the combination of aluminum channel & Zebrano laminate note the curved light tower in the images left.
Here we see a closer shot of the same bar depicting a curved servery front with a matching overhead curved bulkhead.
This is part of a large system of lattice screens used as room dividers.
These screens were made for joinery grade Hoop Pine stained walnut.
Because of the sections running at angles to each other the units are free standing.
As part of the work at this Club we we asked to partition off the gaming area.
The veneer is Tear Drop Eucalyptus that we had specially laid for the project.
The textured glass light panels were also specially cast.
The walls were made from segmented modules that were easily erected on site, with minimal disruption to patrons.